Exposed In The Light

dsotm2011This is not a new podcast but its a podcast I’ve had hidden since 2011 just for fun.  On occasion I would post it to Floydpodcast’s Facebook Fan Page and that was probably only two or three times over the years.  So if you have it already, cool and if not…here you go!   I decided it was time to include this on the website for easy access and for all to see.

This is not one of those unauthorized, crappy bootlegs. This is not BBC’s recording either! This is an OFFICIAL, front of house SOUNDBOARD recording of the entire concert taken from the DSoTM & WYWH Immersion sets. Echoes, however is from the BBC because at the time I compiled this in 2011, the Early Years box set hadn’t been released yet.

Recorded at Wembley Arena, in London, between the 15th and 17th of November 1974. First however, we start off with a special Pink Floyd cover by Captain Kirk. Here’s the playlist

My Favorite Things

BD219I often get asked, “What’s your favorite Floyd song”?   That’s easy but I was recently asked, “If you had to pick one favorite song from each of Pink Floyd’s fifteen albums, what would they be”?  Not so easy.  I pondered over many tracks from each album and it was difficult to narrow it to just one but I did it and this podcast is the result.  See if you agree.  Here’s the playlist


Show #182, Release date: 24. February, 2012

It’s that time again… the third and hopefully not the last “pre’mmersion”.  It’s the long awaited and perhaps most anticipated release of the big three, The Wall.  For this I give you what EMI and Pink Floyd don’t and a few full length previews of whats to come in the latest reissue.

Have a listen to find out how you can WIN the new immersion set. …so lets see some writting on the wall, leave a comment or two.  Enjoy!

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Show #178, Release date: 03. November, 2011

Its that time again to pre’mmersify yourself with phase two of Pink Floyd’s reissue campaign.  This go around its ‘Wish You Were Here’.  I’m excited about this release and your chance to WIN the new immersion set. …so make yourself known HERE with a comment or two.


Show #176, Release date: 23. September, 2011

Here it is, the podcast you’ve been waiting for.  For this installment we take a look at what you can expect from the new immersion/reissue of Dark Side of The Moon and your chance to win an immersion set!  Good luck and enjoy! …and please post a comment, for each one gives me a reason to keep going on with this intense labor of love.  Thank you!

Mule-O-Ween 08

Show #122 – Release date: 14. November, 2008

Halloween has always been a flagship holiday in the jam band community, second only to New Year’s Eve. And with a band like Gov’t Mule, expecting something special is more than fair. Phish are attributed with getting the Halloween spirit going in the jam world with a performance of The Beatles’ The White Album in its entirety on 10.31.94. Years later, we’ve seen costumes and covers of all colors and genres. But, on Halloween 2008, Mule outdid themselves with a second set packed full of Pink Floyd tunes from throughout the psychedelic pioneers’ career.*

Orpheum Theater, Boston, MA, 31. October, 2008.

*excerpts taken from a review written by Andrew Bruss

Covers 2.0

Show #117 Release date: 07. September, 2008

Sorry for the slight delay on getting this one out.  Getting used to my new work schedule is proving to be more difficult than I thought.

For this podcast I decided to revisit an old theme previously done on show #60, “Covers” but this time I reach a little deeper in the bag for some more obscure and new Floyd songs covered by other artists.  Here’s the playlist!

Celestial Instruments

Show #97 – Release date: 26. October, 2007

This podcast features an excellent recording taken from the soundboard on the 9th August, 1969 at The Paradiso in Amsterdam.  The gig was recorded by Dutch radio station Hilversum 3 for a future broadcast unfortunately a microphone failure on the bands vocals forced them to perform an instrumental set.  As a result the gig never aired.  The recording surfaced recently with a short set of four numbers with absolutely no vocals, but the sound quality is amazing.

Photo courtesy

Knebworth 1990

Show #94 – Release date: 14. September, 2007

Pink Floyd headlined the Knebworth Festival by offering their services in aid of the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre as well as the BRIT school of performing arts and technology who provide music therapy for handicapped children.

120,000 fans gathered for this historic event featuring a combination of legendary British rock artists.  Floyd’s long awaited set featured special guests Clair Torry and Candy Dalfer and Rain… but first, a treat from David Gilmour’s recent cinematic DVD premier and Q&A session last week.

The Independent

The press keeps rolling!  New Brain Damaged listener Tony of Cheshire, U.K. learned about the podcast while reading the 30. April 2007 issue of The Independent.  Tony was kind to send a scan of the mention.  Thanks Tony!

The Independent is a British “compact newspaper” published by  Independent News & Media.  Launched in 1986, it is one of the youngest UK national daily newspapers, with a circulation of 253,737.

Whoever made the mention at The Independent, I thank you.

Time Out London

The press keeps rolling.  Brain Damaged listener, Martin Horsfield is also a writer for Time Out London.  Martin wrote up a very nice 150 word column on for the magazine’s Radio page, podcast of the week.

Time Out is a well known weekly magazine that contains information about events in film, theater, fashion, literature and all other artistic events happening in and around London since 1968.  The lifestyle magazine also has outlets in New York City and Chicago as well as 10 other large metro areas around the world.

Thank you Martin!

The Times

After posting The Daily Aztec article, fellow Brain Damaged listener Mike S, posted a comment saying he was in London between the 3rd and 16th of September ’06 and first learned about Brain Damage from a small mention he saw in the The Times!

The Times is a national newspaper published daily in the U.K. since 1785 and its been regarded as Britain’s “newspaper of record” and is preserved in the British Library’s newspaper library in that capacity.  It’s a very big deal.

Mike was kind enough to send a scan of the clipping he saved.  Very cool!  Thank you Mike and thanks to the unknown individuals at The Times who made the mention.  Its an honor to be in Pink Floyd’s hometown newspaper!