Down To The Letter

Here’s a fun one for you. There’s a hidden phrase in these prime cuts of floydness. See if you can find it. It’s fairly easy, right down to the letter, but here’s the playlist in case you get stuck. Enjoy!

8 thoughts on “Down To The Letter

  1. Hi Doc. Today is the solar eclipse and here in Rochester NY everyone will be playing Dark Side of the Moon. I wanted to pass on a message I read from the Erie County (the Buffalo area) executive. He must be a Pink Floyd fan. Anyway, I thought you would find his comments interesting.
    Date: 4/1/24
    As the eclipse draws near, the Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry will be lightening the mood with musical accompaniment for the event at Chestnut Ridge Park. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album will be heard through the speakers at the top of the sled hill as folks assembled to watch the eclipse stare at the sky (wearing appropriate eclipse glasses, of course). Real fans of the band will enjoy the song “Eclipse” from the Dark Side of the Moon album as totality hits at 3:18 PM that day. In the event of overcast skies, Floyd’s Obscured by Clouds album will be on deck. Local Floyd fans can also listen to these tunes at home, or in their car, or wherever they may be that day to enjoy the celestial selections; no need to travel to Chestnut Ridge.
    “For those at Chestnut Ridge, great eclipse music awaits. Or, as we don’t want to make traffic issues more difficult, people can listen elsewhere as they choose. Our Parks Department anticipates crowds that day, so there is no need to make a special trip to the park. Let’s make everyone’s eclipse experience a good one. Safety comes first,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “While you may Wish You Were Here, we don’t need overexcited eclipse enthusiasts acting like Animals and displaying A Momentary Lapse of Reason trying to get here. Be safe and smart and enjoy the eclipse wherever you are!”

  2. Hi Doc, even if the old episodes aren’t available, is there somewhere that the playlists can be? That would be cool. Cheers, Doc!

  3. Nicely done new edition of an oldie. You show us that a Floyd mix-tape is very much possible, thanks for keeping it up. Also, nice to hear in your in between banter that the powers that be haven’t silenced your edge and your sense of humor!

  4. Candy and The Currant Bun, High Hopes, Echoes, Eclipse, Remember A Day, See Emily Play. Dogs, On The Run, Cluster One.

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