

Since 2005, Brian Damage, the definitive Pink Floyd radio show at floydpodcast.com is a FREE, not for profit, monthly, music podcast dedicated to all things Pink Floyd and anything related.

Each podcast is uniquely and professionally presented around specific themes. You’ll hear deep album tracks, rare alternate demos, and carefully restored concert recordings. This podcast licensed under BMI and is funded entirely by donations from listeners like you. Donations help pay for music licensing, domain costs, hosting fees, site maintenance and security.


On-air at 107.3 WAAF in Boston – 2014

I’m Matt, a.k.a The Doctor.  I’m an obsessed Pink Floyd fan who also happens to work in radio in the Boston/New England area, spanning over 30 years at legendary rock stations such as WCGY, WBCN, WAAF, and WHEB.

Click HERE for more info about me and the podcast featured on Brain Damage, Pink Floyd’s official fan website.

All content featured on floydpodcast.com is licensed under BMIWebsite content protected by Creative Commons License.

93 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Doctor, unfortunately I lost a 4 terabyte HD, and I lost everything I had from you, practically 90% of all the material you had posted, is there no way to get these files? Don’t you have anything saved with you? Do all the recordings you had no longer exist? Thanks

  2. Hey Ive got some old Shows on my iPhone and I was looking on your site for some more info or playlists for them however I cant find any info for these episode are these pages now gone?
    Show 200 – Live At Leeds
    Show 254 – War Games
    Show 255 – The Rehearsals
    Show 258 – Wroclaw
    Show 264 – Dark Side Of The Moon World Tour
    Show 277 – Addendum
    Show 278 – Rattle That Lock, Toronto
    Show 287 – Fillmore West 2.0
    Show 285 – Live In Brussels
    any info or playlists you still may have would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank You

      • Hey there Doc.,
        I understand you have some limits oh what you can do. I don’t know the show names but I have the numbers of 3 episodes… #315, #316 and #317.
        What are the chances being able of getting them?

        Thank you, Sir…

  3. I love that you’ve been posting old episodes. I was wondering if you would be releasing Episode 49 “A Two-fer One” from January 2006. You put it up and then we’re ordered to take it down, then you were allowed to put it back up after you were licensed, so I’m hoping you can get it up again.

    • I’m trying to release older shows as best I can within the limitations I’m allowed. I’m not allowed to post the second portion of the two-fer show.

      • I understand, but that’s too bad because I downloaded all your episodes before you got shut down and it’s the only one I’m missing.

  4. Hi Doc! Sooooo glad your back! I so appreciate all your hard work on these shows! Do you happen to know what the earliest Pink Floyd bootleg is?

  5. Good evening Doctor, I noticed that in Wet Dream 2023 remix the co-author together with Rick is Steven Wilson but the tracks are the same as the original ones with only a few minimal variations in the mixing.
    Can you tell my why?
    Thanks from Italy

  6. Hi Doc, huge fan here from Québec. Can’t wait to see your beloved Bruins take on my Habs next Fall! It’s been too long…

    Here’s a (gentle) challenge for one of your next episodes: Next year Roger is going on the road, and let’s say you’ve been appointed Musical Director. This means you get to choose the songs he will play. What would your Set 1 and 2 consist of? What about your encores? We could then compare with the real tour!,,

    Regardless, I love your show. You are doing an amazing job. Mille mercis et longue vie à Floydpodcast.com!

  7. All the links just have a portion of the podcast. How can we listen to an entire show? Much appreciated Doctor!

  8. Matt/Doc, hope all is good for you in yuh our world! I haven’t been here for a while and miss it tremendously….you do amazing work and your appreciation and love for band plus us viewers/subscribers shows what alive inside you!
    I remember the “dark side of a dream” the conversation/ controversy about the authenticity
    I don’t see it within your files? Could you link me up please?

    Blessings to you and your loved ones always!

  9. What an amazing podcast. You really do a perfect job with the commentary and fixes. I found you while looking for the New Orleans ‘94 show, I couldn’t believe the backlog of episodes I now get to enjoy.

    I really can’t believe I just discovered this, like most here Pink Floyd is my favorite band and once you see them live you want to recreate that experience however you can … you do that for us. Thank you very much, you do incredible work!

  10. Hi Doc! Love the podcast – I am considering starting a podcast along the same theme, but for Prog Rock in general – can you point me on some resources on how to do it legally and the fees involved?


    • Hey Chris! Sound cool! There used to be a radio show like that called “Flashback” which is where I get a lot of the inspiration for how I do my shows. Anyway, you’re going into a deep area of music programming that not easy to sum up but I’ll do my best. What you need to do is contact BMI, ASCAP, SESAC and if you plan to stream, Sound Exchange. All have different fees that usually start for a few hundred dollars. The more listeners you get, the more you have to pay. You do all that by reporting you music use and earnings 4x a year. It can be prohibitively expensive which is why not that many people do music podcasts. That’s pretty much the skinny. If you need more information just let me know.

  11. Hi Doc!

    Thanks so much for all of the podcasts and your hard work putting them together. I read somewhere you had one where there were live versions of all of the tracks from A Momentary Lapse of Reason and Division Bell (what’s available). Did you make one resembling this?

    Andy H
    Fayetteville, GA

  12. Hello Doc, I somehow discovered your podcasts and can’t believe how good they are. I appreciate your creativity and how much work takes, not to mention the expenses, and I’m happy to make a donation.

  13. Hey Doc whats up , still digging your cool channel , did you happen to see there was a Mini Pink Floyd Reunion , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW6-s4KIeJw as Nick as playing Gong , Roger walks out on stage incredible moment check it out , on tube , Nick Mason w Roger Waters -Pink Floyd Mini Reunion ! Set The Controls – the Beacon NYC 2019-04-18 Super Cool have a good one Rock on

  14. Doc, I just wanted to say that my brother and I were at the Buffalo show last night for Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets show and what a show it was ! I captured the audio from the front row balcony and I gotta say that the raw recording sounds amazing. I’d love to send you a copy and if you wanted to Dr. It up for a show, Im cool with that. I thinks it’s that good, you can be the judge. Just lmk.
    Been listening to your show for a long time (10 years+) and can’t say THANK YOU enough for all that you do. Keep it up!

  15. Hello Doc. Was at the Nick Mason show Glasgow Friday 28 Sep 2018.Recorded on my phone,sound alright,but i know you can improve on it,recorded as an MPEG4.If you want it it is yours.Just tell me how to get it to you.

  16. I’ve been a long time listener and thought it’s about Ii subscribed. as a massive Floyd fan I thank you for all you do.
    I was at the last RW show in Vancouver, wait for her, oceans, part of me died was the absolute highlight of the show. I will always treasure being there that night and being the first to hear it live on this tour.
    A huge thanks for including this at the the beginning of the Desert Trip concert.

    You would happen to have RW talking to the crowd before he started playing wait for her?

    Thx again

  17. Hey Doc,

    I’ve been watching “The Colors of Infinity”, the show that David Gilmour composed the music for regarding The Mandelbrot Set.

    Do you have any way of including the music in a podcast?
    One of the themes was used on “The Endless River”.


  18. Hey Doc

    I Have been listening to the podcast since the humble beginnings and have put in for some ideas in the past. I was wondering if you are doing anything to tie in with the Eclipse on Aug 21? Seems there are a lot of songs about the moon and the sun : )

    Thanks for all the hard work you do!
    Duane from Victoria B.C.

  19. hey Doc , love your show , I think its awesome , all these recordings , im a big Floyd fan as well , do you know if there is any recordings of Pink Floyd recordings of augest 12 through the 14 at the Ritchfield coliseum , in Ritchfield Ohio 1988 I hear those shows were awesome ,Take care ,and think Pink -John

  20. Hey Doc. Found you from Perry Bax and his podcast. Finally got to check it out and I am now on the dark side of heaven. Sent a donation and bought some swag for me and the Mrs. Wish I could send more right now but my meds are costly. Thanks for all you do.

  21. I just found your show, and I am loving it. I have been into Floyd since back in High School when I get introduced to The Wall. That was during the interregnum, and I graduated a few months before A Momentary Lapse of Reason came out.

    I really appreciate the About Face concert tracks from that one episode. I had a videotape of the concert on VHS, along with the behind-the-scenes documentary (of which I remember two things distinctly, one was Gilmour’s despondence at the tour’s success, which he felt was a lack of name recognition problem (aka, “which one’s Pink?), and his choice not to advertise his association with Pink Floyd much in marketing, and the strange reason Mick Ralphs was on the tour (they were neighbors, used to talk while gardening and Ralphs asked to go on tour because he was bored as Bad Company was on hold).

    However, I really like About Face (except Blue Light). It really points to the future of Momentary Lapse. Too bad not many remember it.

    Keep it up!

  22. My name is Ewan Cunningham, I’m 18 years old and I’m a self taught musician. I started playing drums at the age of 4 and now I’m branching out into other instruments such as guitar, bass, keyboards and vocals. I’ve been teaching myself to mix, record and film music since I was 10 years old and this is my passion.

    I’ve been covering Floyd on YouTube for a while now and I’ve got a great reputation for doing Floyd covers. I thought you might be interested in checking out my work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldB6JDh4CNw

  23. Hey man how are ya?

    I understand you are a PINK FLOYD expert?

    I owned an indie record store for about a decade from 1988 on and bought product direct from the labels. I have an item that is not in front of me at the moment so I can’t give specifics…..It’s been in a bank vault since 1990.

    I purchased an import CD SINGLE called ON THE TURNING AWAY.

    It’s in a thin CD SINGLE type case…..it has a catalog #, etc.

    Anyway……..it’s supposed to have 3 tracks if my memory serves me correctly…………….

    It actually has 12 tracks of BEATLES SONGS…

    The CD has no info about the BEATLES.

    Have you ever heard of this piece?



  24. Hello, dear Doctor. I, Igor Kurian, Vilnius, Lithuania, more than thirty years I’m a fan of the Pink Floyd. I even since ’98 working on a book about their music. Thank you very much for your great show with a lot of cool stuff! Forgive me if I’m interrupting you. For my book I would like to know what the interview taken for the first words to your show “Go with the Flow”? I need to find out for analysis “Louder Than Words”. It seems to me that this is the voices of Richard and David. Please forgive me for my clumsy English. My native language is Russian)))

    • Hello Igor. Thanks for the kind words. The “gotta go with the flow” was spoken by Polly. Its taken from the extra features on David’d “Remember That Night”. DVD while they were in Venice when they came upon the glass harmonica player on the street.

      • Thank you very much for the information, Doc! I’m surprised)) I thought that in the final of “Louder Than Words” Richard’s voice used. And I think that there were about these words: “Get together and play”))) Polly’s voice was very rude. It even seems that on the video was added the voice of another person. Mystic…

  25. Yo doc! So …what’s the word in your opinion/s for “the endless river” assemble-+20 yr-age/s, eh”?” I suppose that buddy will be up by midnight on UT … and actually I am MOST interested in the music (esp = Ricks pre/post contribution/s!) …preferably, complete audio in finite but, with respect to PF intended “flow”; natch/word! Sooooo …what’s your take for expertly acquired Pink Floyd-ian advice, bro”?” Peace/the z >>>

      • Upon first listen held back the urges to listen to snippets. First impression very much enjoyed the ambient sounds with a nice flow from track to track. The soundtrack for the end. Next it will be to take in the BLU-Ray 🙂

      • I saved it for this special “late night/early morning” undisturbed listen …on my 3rd run, eh! I enjoy the encompassing expansiveness as it is quite accommodating to my scribblings of words, but I still would like to have heard some RW vocals/lyrics to accept it as a fitting “swan song” …IF this is truly to be last of that fine floynian pink wine, eh!?! Z (the bopper!) – Peace 😉 >>>

    • just found this site. Man, that’s brilliant, thx a lot for the hard work. Keep running it, you made my day!!!

  26. Hey Doc, i just got turned onto your podcast through another really good podcast (BRYHNH). I saw someone asked how to download thru itunes, and your answer worked great for the episodes from March 26 thru the present. Any ideas on how to download into itunes the older episodes? Thanks for all the great Floyd music.


  27. Doc,

    Is it possible to download (legally) the podcasts to iTunes on my iMac so I can refer to them and play them any time day or night?

    Thanks for the great show and all the knowledge about Pink Floyd,

    • Hello Bob,
      Yes, you can (legally) listen via iTunes. If you come across a podcast like mine on the Internet that you can’t find in the iTunes Store, you can still subscribe to it.
      In iTunes, from the File menu, choose Subscribe to Podcast and enter the podcast feed URL.


      iTunes subscribes you to the podcast and begins downloading immediately. Hope this helps!

      • Thanks Doc…it worked fine!

        Also…..years back I downloaded several shows (100 – 130) on my old Windows machine to a thumb drive….but when I tried to play them on the new iMac they don’t play….but they still do play on the old windows machine.

        Is there any way to transfer them to the new iMac or CD so I can play them in the truck?


        P.S. I was an early donator back on the old site.

        • Hey Bob. Thanks for your support in the past and I hope you like the new site. If you’re unaware, the donation button is on the “about” link at the top of the page.

          About the thumb drive. Are they mp3? What kind of fine are they?


  28. Hello, Doc…
    Seems we share a common moniker…”Doc”
    I just wanted to say THANK YOU…!!!
    I consider your shows and available downloads, to be the very first place to search to acquire live and more obscure recordings of PF…
    Being a musician and collector of music, for most of my 56 years(ouch!), I would like to think I am qualified to make such a statement…I recommend you to all of my friends and associates…KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK…WELL DONE…!!!
    Mark “Doc” Mackey

  29. Doc, Welcome back. I want to donate but am paranoid about using credit cards without paypal or a secure payment method. Maybe send to you directly? Anyway, I tried the RSS podcast link. It worked OK back to the may show, 184 or 185. But no archived beyond this date. I was able to modify a past show url, 10/31/10 by using your new http address from the 2010 October download URL. Any way to fix this????
    Great to have you back. I am going to see Brit Floyd in Toledo in March. Close to the real thing but not the real thing. Ola Bienkowska does a awesome job on Great Gig in the Sky. I pray she shows in Toledo. Talk to ya later. Steve

    • Thanks Steven. My donation provider, Clover Donations, is very secure. Theres no way around the limit RSS feed will allow. you’ll have to manually download the other shows and add them to your iTunes.

  30. Good news, the Doc is back! Thanx for the early Christmas present. Like your new site, and I’m looking forward to lots of great podcasts. Keep up the good work.
    Alf (Norway)

  31. Doc
    So good to have you and these great podcasts back. 35 years a fan of Pink Floyd but still you dig up material I have either never heard or long forgot about. Received my indoctrination waking up in the middle of the night to hearing Us and Them on the radio in the middle of the night. Have been hooked ever since.
    Keep up the fantastic work!
    Always a loyal fan.

    Tom a.k.a Wyomarus

  32. Doc,
    I am so thankful that I am now able to finally listen to your podcasts. I am hearing stuff that I’ve forgotten about, haven’t heard in years, or have never heard before. And I thought my personal archive ran pretty deep. I love the fact that you are willing to dig into the far obscure corners of the band’s body of work and surprise the hell out of me. Thank you for doing such a great job!
    Take care,

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