Over The Counter

Happy New Year! Welcome to Brain Damage, the definitive Pink Floyd radio show’s 19th year as a podcast, but originally started out as a terrestrial radio show at Tufts University 20 years ago!

For this installment, it’s a doctor recommended and selected, compounded formulation of Floyd chill pills. Here’s the playlist. Medication time!

11 thoughts on “Over The Counter

  1. Good Podcast. Too bad there is no solo members efforts in the podcast but I guess the lawyers must restrict a bit the choices.

    Still great to have to discover every month what you come up with.

  2. My first ever podcast and I am glad it was Pink Floyd because they are amazing
    This was enjoyable on many levels and interesting to put it mildly. Thank you! I’ll be tuning in again soon!! What a gift. Seriously it was sweet
    Thanks again

  3. I do love your mixes, this one was no exception. The small differences one can detect after the C&D is made up for with your small talk in between the musical choices. Keep it up!

    • Thank you!! That means an awful lot! The restrictions that I have to deal with have made things a lot harder, so I really appreciate this comment!

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