
Overall, Pink Floyd appeared in 51 festivals. This months edition scratches the surface of Pink Floyd’s festival appearances between 1968 and 1971. The bands festival circuit dwindled down to just 5 between 1972 and 1990 as their popularity and complex stage productions demanded larger venues and exclusive engagements. The podcast is enhanced with chapters to each festival featured. Enjoy and here’s the playlist.

11 thoughts on “Festivals

  1. Aaah, the age of the festivals. There is a more vibrant, open and loose feelings to these performances. One wonders if they missed that when the shows gradually became more structured in minute details.

  2. ’71 Hakone Aphrodite Open Air Festival, Hakone, Japan, 6-7 August 1971 [Early Years Reverber/ation DVD]
    17. Pink Floyd – Atom Heart Mother

    this is not true date and venue
    in The Early Years release they not used original Hakone audio source but overdubbed audio from audience recording of 1971-10-17 Golden Hall Community Concourse San Diego

    the true audience Hakone audio used in Atom Heart Mother 2021 Japan and 2023 Worldwide releases

          • Sorry, but you don`t understand my Question.

            The Text is still the same (Hakone August 71).
            Have you fixed the MP3-File and have you used the other Source? Not the Early Years DVD, now the Audio from the AHM 2021/2023 Release?


          • I understand you, actually we’re both saying the same thing. The audio was corrected and so was the text file (playlist). The correction was made with the source of the audio. Previously, it was the early years and now it is the Japanese Atom Heart Mother release. The venue and date is still the same.

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