
While making the last podcast, I came across many names of places like countries, cities, and streets including rivers and bodies of water. So for this episode, it’s songs that mention a place or two or ten. Most but not all places mentioned in Floyd’s or solo works are included, so see how many you come up with. Here’s the playlist.

One thought on “Places

  1. Been following you since Podcast 80 – thanks for so many years of treasure. Also been listening to PF for well over 50 years and just had share that there is always something new / something missed. I don’t know if it was a one off, but I was listening to Shine On (6-9) fro the Ivor Wynne 28 June 75 show earlier , and about a minute before the end, before the See Emily Play motif, they actually threw in what was clearly the first two notes of Arnold Layne. Made my day as I had never noticed before.

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