Classic Floyd 500

Counting down all the favorite Pink Floyd songs as voted by Arrow Classic Rock listeners.  Every year, “The Arrow”, a Dutch radio station, publishes a top 500 list of classic rock songs, and Pink Floyd is featured heavily in the run-down, with three songs in the top ten alone, including the coveted number one spot. This podcast is just the Pink Floyd tracks. Here’s the playlist. Don’t forget to tip the DJ, and leave a comment! Thank you!

4 thoughts on “Classic Floyd 500

  1. Doc knows my #1 vote is for a Roger Waters 1985 live performance during The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking tour of “Nobody Home” containing an insane cackle by Rog and an absolutely masterful saxophone solo from Mel Collins. The one I’m talking about is where they forget to turn Roger’s microphone back on and the “I’ve got a pair of Gohills boots” is muffled. Surely no challenge for Doc to splice that line in from another performance on that tour and polish with his patented Super Sound.

  2. This was a very nice idea for an episode! Perhaps you should conduct a similar poll from your own listeners? I guess the top results might not differ that much but perhaps some dark horses on the list?
    Love that you didn’t choose the obvious version on all songs as well.
    Sorry for not being able to donate last and this month but I feel confident that I will send some contributions at the end of the year.

  3. Always good to learn new facts about this legendary band. Thanks for giving new insights. Was not aware that there so many versions of songs. Just ordered a copy of the wall on DVD. Looking forward to it and hearing all three versions of another brick in the wall, my first introduction as well to Pink Floyd.

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