1974 British Winter Tour

I hope this finds you well. For this edition of Brain Damage, I give you the last of four nights at Empire Pool, London, 17 November 1974. Its a great recording but I did doctor it up a little bit. Thanks to Pink Floyd for allowing me to feature this. Here’s the playlist. This podcast also has the winner announcement for David’s deluxe LP boxed set of Luck and Strange. Enjoy!  Happy Chrismukka, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year!

18 thoughts on “1974 British Winter Tour

  1. Hey Doc!
    Just wondering (and I know I’m missing something here), but why did you get a cease and desist order/forced to remove all your beautiful gems and guys like “FunkyDung” can post hundreds of shows on You Tube? The biggest sharing platform in the world…with impunity!

    Nothing against guys like Funky but just seems entirely unfair.

  2. Oh, these are nice. Just the thought of attending one of those shows…

    Chr donation sent, hope it helps keeping you afloat.

  3. Hi Doc,

    This was very helpful to me with more explanation; I have been studying this band
    I’m quite young in age and at heart but I have always loved the 70s classic rock (I’m aware that Pink Floyd began in the late 60s?) I. Do consider this music and many bands of the 70s so superior to todays “music” lol

    It was great; I listened more than once

    Pink Floyd is so complex and full of layers is what makes them so fascinating and brilliant

    So thanks and Happy New Year!

  4. Great to hear a full concert in such good quality from this era. Two things I noticed: David’s usually impeccable vocals were off a number of times; use of saxaphone on Echoes (always nice to have a different perspective). I wonder if the two were related. Perhaps David was unwell. I know they didn’t use the sax here a few days earlier when I saw them in Newcastle. Being “under the weather’ is not uncommon in November in the UK.

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